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However, the Aeronavale decided that they were more interested in a carrier-based ASW aircraft. The Vultur never entered production, instead being extensively redesigned for the ASW role as the Breguet "Type 1050 Alize", which performed its first flight on 5 October 1956.

It appears that one of the Vultur prototypes was modified to act as a systems testbed for the Alize and designated "Type 965", but details of this aircraft are extremely unclear. The Alize ended up looking much different from the Vultur. The general configuration was similar, but the turbojet was deleted from the rear fuselage, to be replaced by a CSF radar system with a retractable antenna dome in the belly. The Mamba turboprop was replaced by a Rolls-Royce Dart RDa.21 turboprop with 1,565 kW (2,100 SHP), driving a four-bladed propeller.

The fuselage was extensively redesigned and enlarged to accommodate more gear and a crew of three, including pilot, radar operator, and sensor operator. The pilot was seated in front on the right, the radar operator in front on the left, and the sensor operator sat sideways behind them. The landing gear was modified so that the main gear retracted backwards into nacelles in redesigned wings. The main gear had dual wheels, and the front part of the nacelles accommodated sonobuoys. The Alizé had a yoke-style arresting hook. The internal weapons bay could accommodate a homing torpedo or depth charges, and underwing stores pylons could carry bombs, depth charges, rockets, or missiles. Typical underwing stores included 68 millimeter rocket pods or AS-12 wire-guided antiship missiles.

Aircraft included in the package:

  1. Breguet 1050 Alizé (Indian Navy) "White Cobras" squadron

  2. Breguet 1050 ALM (ALizé Modernisé / Modernized Alizé) Aeronavale circa 1972

  3. Breguet 1050 ALH (ALizé mis ? Hauteur / Upgraded Alizé) Aeronavale (2 schemes, 1990 & 2000)


  1. Working Tailhook

  2. Opening Torpedo Bay

  3. Retracting radar dome

  4. Fully animated and functional virtual cockpit

  5. Opening engine maintenance hatches (secondary canopy key)

  6. Detailed 2d panel and gauges(Gauges and Panel developed by Jean Pierre Langer)

  7. For FS9 only

Razbam Simulations

RAZBAM Simulations has been creating top-notch military and civil aircraft simulations since 2003. Until recently, RAZBAM development was focused exclusively on the Microsoft Flight Simulator series, including Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X. However, the team has stepped away from developing for the aged Flight Simulator X, and into the split future of flight simulations: Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D (for civil aircraft) and Eagle Dynamics' Digital Combat Simulator (for military aircraft).

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